Essential travelling tips

1. Don’t limit yourself to just one way of storing money

Cash or a plastic card is one of the main dilemmas a traveler faces. There is no universal answer to this question, and it would be wisest, as they say, not to keep all the eggs in one basket. Divide the money between “plastic” and cash, and cash should be spread out in different places. Keep some of the money in the hotel safe – so even if you steal, you will not lose all your savings at once. Check with your bank to see if your card is suitable for payment in the destination country, and when traveling, try not to pay with it in distrustful shops and always ask to perform the payment operation in front of you.

2. Save money while walking

Keeping money in a safe is a great option, but don’t forget about the cash you keep with you. It is best if there are a few, especially if you do not plan to spend a lot. It is definitely not worth carrying a purse in the back pocket or not securely closed bag. A backpack is also not the best option, especially in crowded places. It is best to always keep your bag in sight. Waist bags are back in fashion – today they are made neat and a variety of colors – and when walking around the city, this accessory will be indispensable. This bag will allow you to free your hands and stay attentive to its contents – enjoy the trip, not forgetting about safety.

3. Make copies of travel documents

None of us is insured against losing or stealing documents and money, but this risk increases when traveling. Recovering lost documents will be much easier with copies on hand. For security, make hard copies of all documents and keep them in the hotel safe. In addition, be sure to make digital copies of tickets and passports and save them not only in your phone, but also in the cloud storage, which you can access from any device. These simple methods will greatly simplify the process of obtaining new documents, and you will be able to return to your country, saving time, money and nerves.

4. Get the necessary vaccinations

An exotic country somewhere in Africa or Southeast Asia is a great destination for a traveler who is not used to following traditional routes. And the threat of an unknown disease is not a reason to abandon their plans. In most cases, problems can be avoided by getting a single vaccination. It is worth taking care of this no later than a month before the expected date of the trip: this is the time it takes for the body to develop immunity after vaccination. Keep in mind that if the vaccination when traveling to some countries is voluntary, then to go to others, it will be necessary to do. Provide information on the epidemic situation in the state where you are going to go.

5. Study local laws and customs

As a rule, we all go on a journey for the sake of new impressions and emotions, which we will keep for a lifetime. New culture is always an interesting experience, but getting to know it often requires caution. Local laws and customs are part of the national culture, and ignorance of them can lead to unpleasant consequences. And if in most European countries everything is more or less clear, in Singapore, for example, you can get a hefty fine for chewing gum thrown on the ground, and in Bangkok – for feeding an elephant. By carefully studying the prohibitions in force in your destination country, you will be able to protect yourself not only from losing money, but also from meeting the police. If you are going to travel by car, be sure to learn the local traffic rules – it can save your life.